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Tuesday, 25 March 2008
true confessions and leftfield gospel...
Now Playing: random playlist on the giant step jukebox (giantstep.net)
Topic: my podcasts

episode #16 of endless shouting matches with yourself was posted a few days ago and i still can't believe how personal i got on that one.  more than that, i can't believe that i'm comfortable with something so candid being accessible.  not sure what that means, but i hope it means that some demons are in the process of dying...

ESM 016 - ...is no longer online.  i'll explain in the next show...

and just yesterday, i uploaded the second installment of us and us for motion radio.  i'm rather proud of this one and have been referring to it as "leftfield gospel." it's secular tunes and spirituals thrown together that cut across a variety of genres.  i just wanted to make something that got me through the rough patches in life.  hopefullly others will enjoy it as well...

"the saturday in between:  an unconventional hymnal"

Posted by macedonia at 5:15 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 April 2008 11:28 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 March 2008
the kids are alright...i think: an aging raver's confessional
Now Playing: gilles peterson world wide on giantstep.net
Topic: event reports
when we was rave:  mr. and mrs. macedonia, early 1993.

i'm thinking that i probably posted this shortly after the event in question, so figure late summer/early fall of 2001. i was 27 when i wrote this - i can't even imagine being 34 and going to an event like this. maybe to spin, but even then, i'd still feel old...



* the following story is an eyewitness account from an event called Stereotopia @ The Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC. *

saturday, august 25, 2001 7:30 p.m.

older security guard: “it’s been pretty smooth, so far. we could have a decent night here, if it keeps up like this all night.”

younger security guard: “cool, cuz i’m not tryin’ to do no cavity searches or nothin’, man...”

there seemed to be better treatment from the security blokes outside than in. no harassment or anything – just that look like they had you all figured out or something. not all of them inside, just a few. if a girl took out her mascara, one of them was right behind her making sure all was on the up and up. they had reason to be somewhat suspicious – between some of the patrons walking wide-eyed arm in arm, pockets of weed smoke here and there, and tagging throughout the stairwell.

but that would come later.

stepped into the main room and was greeted by Scott & Josh playing Daft Punk’s “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.” a few early bird ravers congregate in corners and exchange hugs. time to scope the place out. beth and i made our way into the basement - Venom and Scorpion were just getting started. a lone head lamented at the fact that they were going on so early, but the youngins didn’t seem to mind stomping to some prime time hardcore.

up in the Grand Ballroom, folks were just making their way in. darkness ruled the day as far as the jungle was concerned. early birds got a chance to really bust loose cause there was all the room in the world. some skipping vinyl problems in the beginning, but heads got it together. getting to the Grand Ballroom from the balcony area would prove to be a task during the midnight hour. either you waited and waited and waited for the elevator operator to pick you up or went trekking up several flights of stairs. after that, most that made their way up tended to stay there.

10:00 p.m. - in the main room en route to the basement - Pleasurehead’s doing his thing to a very appreciative core of followers. what he spins nowadays isn’t quite as mind-numbing as what i remember him doing back in ‘98 up in Albany when he was starting out, but it still doesn’t move me. down to the basement - Knowledge is on. his was one of my favorite sets of the night: an old school breaks set that took me back to 1993...when buildups actually took you somewhere and didn’t take five minutes to complete. older heads were feelin’ it, but the youngins were making a b-line up to the main room for Spacegirl. some were actually chanting her name on the way up. they would have to wait a while, though – her live PA got bumped to a later time. X-Dream was on instead, which didn’t disappoint the glow stick collective one bit.

11:00 p.m. - “GIVE IT UP FOR SUPA DJ DIMITRY OF DEEE-LITE!!!” cheers raised the roof. after some feedback and sound problems in the beginning, he was off and running. the first ten minutes of his set reaffirmed a very sobering lesson: older DJs in the scene have a choice to make - either continue to blaze a path or bang it out. Dimitry chose the progressive club banger route. it was weird, cause he’s funkier than that. i couldn’t help but feel disappointed. oh well, may as well see what Reid Speed is playing. to my surprise, Knowledge is still on, now playing hard house (which, i’m told, is what he usually spins back home in Connecticut). kids were feelin’ him on that end. not sure if Reid Speed or DB actually ever showed, though i might have seen DB in the crowd...just a quick sec in passing.

12:10 a.m. - after waiting for what seemed like 20 minutes in the balcony for the elevator, beth and i stepped into the Grand Ballroom for a full house to check out the X-Ecutioners (sans Rob Swift). words couldn’t do it justice. all i’ll say is this: if vinyl could bleed, Mista Sinista, Rob Swift, and Total Eclipse would all be considered mass murderers. ABSOLUTELY INSANE SKILLS - OFF THE DOME. ridiculously fast hands, body tricks, the whole nine. their performance alone was worth the ticket price. i heard from a reliable source hours before the event that Ed Rush and Optical wouldn’t be there (apparently, they were). really wanted to get into the jungle afterwards, but by that time, the ballroom was insanely crowded and the bass was trying to make a permanent home in my chest cavity. time for the chill-out room. some of the best music of the night was played there, thanks due to Saskai and Ranka of Echolounge fame.

1:30a.m. - Emma Feline had the basement rockin’ with a blend of two-step, drum and bass, and house. not a fluid mix, but certainly varied, peppered with joints like Origin Unknown’s “31 Seconds,” Stardust’s “Music Sounds Better With You” and Missy Elliott’s “Get Your Freak On.” (as long as two-step and drum and bass are around, Missy and Timbaland’s work will always appear in the mix. they need us a lot more than they’re willing to admit.) every time the beat would drop and the bass line would threaten to rip the woofers apart and the crowd would go nuts, Emma would rewind it and play it again. i rather like a rewind at the right time, however...have you ever seen or heard a DJ rewind a cut WITH NO MC AROUND TO CALL FOR ONE BEFOREHAND? it’s a little disconcerting. every time it would happen, i found myself yelling “rewind!” just so it wouldn’t seem so weird.

during Emma’s set, i get a hug and a pound from this blond-haired kid that couldn’t have been more than 14 or 15. “it’s my first party, man.” i welcome him into the fold and show respect. the whole time i’m thinking to myself, what was i doing at 14 or 15? i was involved with school plays and developing a budding interest in poetry. i was getting into the music of Frank Zappa. if i went out to a club, it was a teen night or something like that. i didn’t go to my first rave until i was 18...going on 19. i’m shaken out of my generation gap moment with Emma’s closing track: Armand Van Helden’s remix of C.J. Bolland’s “Sugar Is Sweeter.” thanks, Emma. Ming & FS were setting themselves up at this time. once they got on, the breaks continued: one handling the beats while the other rocked the scratches and cuts.

2:30 a.m. - main room. Joey Beltram? Nope. this didn’t sound like him (nice to know that he did indeed show). this was a live PA. i check the screens of either side of the stage from the balcony. ah yes, Spacegirl. after hearing not so great things about her sets from a technical standpoint, the quality of her music wasn’t that bad. in fact, surprisingly interesting for modern-day trance (and particularly in comparison to what previous DJs had played earlier that night). looking down upon the party people, i was amazed. the whole floor was into it, pumping their fists, stomping, making noise, tossing their glow sticks in the air in a fit of delirium. clearly they loved her.

it was 3:00 a.m. when Derrick May finally went on. this was the set beth and i were waiting for. this was the sound of Detroit. it was beautiful. real, relentless, uncompromising techno - crafted in the mix by Derrick’s steady hand. he was merciless. i was going nuts up in the balcony. but looking upon the dance floor once again, my instincts proved correct: some of those kids would have rather been dancing to Spacegirl. some were definitely feelin’ it, but not to the point that they were digging her live PA.

so, what did this aging raver learn?

1. you can’t go home again. well you can, but everything’s in a different place since you last left it. and why wouldn’t it be? someone else is taking care of the house.

2. massive parties are like (fill in whatever city, state, or country you think fits): nice place to visit, but i wouldn’t wanna live there. while i had fun, i’ve had more fun at smaller functions. i’ve danced my ass off at upstate New York events, that’s for sure. perhaps i need to get out of Gotham and see how other places get down.

3. overbooking is a bad thing. too many good people on in too many different areas (and for too short a time period sometimes). and in the Hammerstein, that could mean going from the basement to the Ballroom. i’m up for the trek, but it’s just slightly annoying. it’s the price you pay for being into different sounds.

4. for the longest time i had been hearing about these pants called UFOs - baggy with reflective stripes hanging out of the pockets. most of my heads were annoyed by them and usually referred to them as today’s rave fashion standard. i thought they were all kidding about that until i saw it for myself. it was like a cult - a short, bouncy, 140 beats per minute dancing cult.

5. for the most part, my younger heads probably wouldn’t understand what i do as a DJ. my style’s for everyone, but it’s not for everyone. meaning that everyone’s welcome to check it out, but perhaps most would reject it for a number of reasons (too varied, too slow, too hard to pigeonhole, too rhythmically complex, etc.). and if i were to pull out the hardcore techno i’m listening to, it would make all the Rob Gee fans run for the hills.

6. it’s a rave new world...and i’m just passing through. either that or i’m the rest stop on route 909.


Posted by macedonia at 4:38 PM EDT
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the next day...
Now Playing: adam curry's daily source code

before i left work, i saw a text message on my cell phone from my wife:

"ur my bestfriend.  i want 2 grow old w/u."

that was a relief.  because the equation that is my life doesn't work without her in it.

Posted by macedonia at 10:53 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 18 March 2008
an interesting morning...
Now Playing: the pounding of my own head...

to say the least, it's been an interesting morning.

beth and i were getting ready for work and day care drop-off duty when she mentioned that we needed to schedule some time together over the weekend. i thought she meant a date night - she actually meant a half-hour to discuss some things. i told her that it all depended on when i was getting together with a friend on saturday. shortly afterwards, she began to tell me how i have been rejecting her ever since we got married, that she's unhappy with how she looks, and about how we need counseling in order to address the problems that we've been having in our marriage. i didn't even know how to respond to all of this. prior to this going down, i was thinking to myself, i'm still in my robe and i need to get dressed so i can get simone ready to go to day care.

like i said, it's been an interesting morning.

she said that she would take simone to day care this morning. once she took her outside, i finished getting ready, jotted some notes onto a pad, set up the microphone and recorded a voiceover for endless shouting matches with yourself. whether it will actually be released remains to be seen, because it's pretty personal...more personal than i have ever dared to share on that show. once the microphone was put away, i sat on the futon in the living room and read my Bible. after that, i got on my knees and began to pray, but the words wouldn't come.

i opened my eyes to find that i had fallen asleep on my knees, my head resting on the futon. i bolted upright and ran to the nearest clock. it said 9:40 a.m. - i had planned to catch a 9:38 train, which meant that i was going to be later than usual. i made a call to the office, but they were cool about it. when i got to work, i noticed that my wife sent me a text message on my cell phone: "did you mean date night? i only meant 30 minutes." gotta love misunderstandings.

like i said, it's been an interesting morning.

two shows have gotten me through today: my love for music and a dark jungle dj set by woz. the former chills me out while the latter gives me the spark that i need to keep fighting. i desperately needed both elements today...

Posted by macedonia at 6:04 PM EDT
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Monday, 10 March 2008
BSOTS 062 - blends session: grooves for a global village...
Now Playing: arthur jones - "CRM"
Topic: my podcasts

recognize game, people: two-thirds of the songs featured in this blends session are from the podsafe music network and all of them are choice, in my opinion. outside of that, we have a pair from ioda promonet, one from foundation media, and a personal pick to represent for my people around the way.

covering a lot of ground in this one: music from the states, the u.k, south africa, germany, and australia. hip-hop, house, brazilian-flavored downtempo, futuristic breaks, the whole nine. i think the end result was positive. it's the type of mix that reminds me that music truly is the universal language...

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1. del tha funkee homosapien - "bubble pop" {buy from amazon.com}
2. green tea - "cruise control" [buylink information below]
3. goldlix - "latinozo"
4. galore - "attention" {buy from pmn}
5. baba israel and yako - "chant (feat. sparlha swa)" {buy from cdbaby}
6. aesop rock - "none shall pass" {buy from amazon.com}
7. hired gun - "arrest the president"
8. laws - "where my horns at" {buy from amazon.com or emusic}
9. cy tru - "kill dat drum"
10. fave nite - "she don't like me"
11. choppa - "waga waga"
12. crucial d - "yoruba gold (dub)" [buylink information below]

background music: "hot on both sides (instrumental)" by techniken defunkus.

promonet links:

Kero One Presents: Plug Labelgreen tea
"Cruise Control" (mp3)
from "Kero One Presents: Plug Label"
(PLUG Label)

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More On This Album

Future Classic Exclusives Vol 1Crucial D
"Yoruba Gold - Dub" (mp3)
from "Future Classic Exclusives Vol 1"
(Future Classic)

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More On This Album

other key info:
macedonia on twitter
friday favecast
the origins and evolution of the hip-hop police by davey d
chillcast episode 102: niu support collabocast
impose magazine issue 31

podsafe music network Music Provided by IODA Promonet

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Posted by macedonia at 8:33 AM EDT
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Thursday, 28 February 2008
Ohmega Watts article on Impose
Now Playing: know your rights radio show (eastvillageradio.com)
Topic: articles

this cat was responsible for my #1 pick on my top ten albums of 2007 list and my absolute favorite hip-hop album from last year. 

check the article to find out why...

Posted by macedonia at 3:58 PM EST
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Tuesday, 26 February 2008
BSOTS 061 - "the vibrations are different..."
Now Playing: in rotation vol. 15 (ejflavors.com)
Topic: my podcasts

mostly promonet cuts this time around with a pair from foundation media and one from the podsafe music network. the voice speaking of setting up a black colony on another planet is none other than sun ra. this is dialogue taken from the 1974 flick, space is the place. if you've never seen it, expect '50s sci-fi colliding with '70s blaxploitation and a heavy dose of egyptian symbolism. fun stuff.

also stay tuned for a public (enemy) service announcement regarding black history month...

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1. reverend c. l. franklin - "father, i stretch forth my hands" [buylink information below]
2. black violin - "brandenburg" [buylink information below]
3. tableek - "or does it explode" [buylink information below]
4. mike ladd - "housewives at play" {buy from emusic or amazon.com}
5. 410 pharoahs - "fresh"
6. build an ark - "dawn" [buylink information below]
7. airpushers - "hold the onions (feat. lamont dozier)" [buylink information below]
8. kashmere stage band - "i wish (todd's original mix)" {free download}
9. talib kweli - "hostile gospel pt. 1 (deliver us)" {buy from amazon.com}
10. curtis mayfield - "move on up (remastered)"

promonet links:

Movement Soul Vol. 2Reverend C.L. Franklin
"Father, I Stretch Forth My Hands" (mp3)
from "Movement Soul Vol. 2"
(ESP Disk)

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More On This Album

Black ViolinBlack Violin
"Brandenburg" (mp3)
from "Black Violin"
(Di Versatile, Inc)

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...It's 2010, Time To Kill WhiteyTableek
"Or Does It Explode" (mp3)
from "...It's 2010, Time To Kill Whitey"
(Four Brothers Ink)

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DawnBuild An Ark
"Dawn" (mp3)
from "Dawn"
(Shaman Work)

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Themes for the Ordinarily StrangeAirpushers
"Hold The Onions" (mp3)
from "Themes for the Ordinarily Strange"
(Sarathan Records)

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other key info:
macedonia on twitter
macedonia on motion radio (feb. 2008)
watch the 410 pharoahs video on youtube
lamont dozier's official website
cupid's hunt podcast list
cupid's hunt masterminds todd grundy and anewlis
darrenkeith's cupid's hunt contribution

podsafe music network Music Provided by IODA Promonet

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Posted by macedonia at 1:20 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 April 2008 11:32 AM EDT
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Thursday, 14 February 2008
BSOTS 060 - one for beth: a valentine's day blends session
Now Playing: the chillcast cupid's hunt special
Topic: my podcasts


this is a continuous mix of house and techno dedicated to my wife. how i feel about beth and why i felt the need to do this show will be evident within the first five minutes...

this edition of Radio BSOTS is part of the cupid's hunt project. make sure to go there to check out more great valentine's day related podcasts....

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1. ezekiel honig - "love session" {buy from microcosm music}
2. sunshine jones - "we are free" [buylink information below]
3. mr. tunes - "underwater mystery"
4. yamasaki - "a new day"
5. karston zuber - "jubilee" [buylink information below]
6. mark rae - "medicine (kraak & smaak remix)" {buy from amazon.com}
7. mondo grosso - "blz" [buylink information below]
8. peter, bjorn and john - "young folks (phones problem child mix)"
9. dennis ferrer - "p 2 da j (tiger stripes remix)" [buylink information below]
10. kirsty hawkshaw vs. kinky roland - "it's a fine day 2008"
11. psykosoul - "love"
12. strange kids - "lean on me"{buy from amazon.com}

promonet links:

We Are Free / Distant VisionSunshine Jones
"We Are Free" (mp3)
from "We Are Free / Distant Vision"
(Nite Grooves)

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More On This Album

Future Classic Exclusives Vol 1Karston Zuber
"Jubilee" (mp3)
from "Future Classic Exclusives Vol 1"
(Future Classic)

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More On This Album

BLZMondo Grosso
"BLZ" (mp3)
from "BLZ"
(King Street Sounds)

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P 2 Da JDennis Ferrer
"P 2 Da J" (mp3)
from "P 2 Da J"
(King Street Sounds)

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More On This Album

other key info:
macedonia on twitter
official kraak & smaak website
expansion team records website

podsafe music network Music Provided by IODA Promonet

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Posted by macedonia at 10:12 AM EST
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Monday, 4 February 2008
BSOTS 059 - 40 from the dos double-o-seven (pt. 4)
Now Playing: my upcoming podcast for motion radio...
Topic: my podcasts

okay, it's february: clearly i've dragged this out long enough. let's get this over with. on the plus side, the songs are good, so if you're diggin' this show, please hit up the "share this" link at the bottom of this post and do the do through the networking jump-off spot of your choice. thanks much.

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1. panacea - "pops said" [buylink information below]
2. spoonfull - "the playground kid" {free download}
3. sun dula amen - "home" [buylink information below]
4. the national pool - "home" {buy from itunes}
5. y society - "dizzy" [buylink information below]
6. dj dove vs. nyc peech boys - "don't make me wait 2007" [buylink information below]
7. hezekiah - "i predict a riot (feat. keziah & shon burgandy)" {buy from amazon.com}
8. the heliocentrics - "sirius b" {free download}
9. matthew dear - "good to be alive" {buy from ghostly international}
10. steve spacek presents star simonez - "a common guy" [buylink information below]

the theme music for this show incorporates the song "hot on both sides" by techniken defunkus. an instrumental version of that same song also serves as background music for this episode.

promonet links:

The Scenic RoutePanacea
"Pops Said" (mp3)
from "The Scenic Route"
(Rawkus Records LLC)

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More On This Album

The HumanSun Dula Amen
"Home" (mp3)
from "The Human"
(Fish and Crown)

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Never Off (On & On)Y Society
"Dizzy" (mp3)
from "Never Off (On & On)"
(Tres Records)

More On This Album

Don't Make Me Wait 2007DJ Dove Vs. NYC Peech Boys
"Don't Make Me Wait 2007" (mp3)
from "Don't Make Me Wait 2007"
(West End Records)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
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Buy at Rhapsody
Buy at Amazon
More On This Album

Future Classic Exclusives Vol 1Steve Spacek Presents Star Simonez
"A Common Guy" (mp3)
from "Future Classic Exclusives Vol 1"
(Future Classic)

Buy at Beatport
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Buy at Rhapsody
Buy at Amazon
More On This Album

other key info:
macedonia on twitter
endless shouting matches with yourself
check out panacea's video for "pops said" on youtube
check out spoonfull's album drawn with an eraser

podsafe music network Music Provided by IODA Promonet

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Posted by macedonia at 2:05 AM EST
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Friday, 18 January 2008
BSOTS 058 - 40 from the dos double-o-seven (pt. 3)
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: friday night dance party - week #97
Topic: my podcasts

back to the 2007 retrospective, wrapping up the second half of this series. all of the music on this show was provided by the podsafe music network, a site that really shouldn't be slept on. real dope tracks slip in there when you least expect them to, so keep tabs on the pmn in the oh-eight.

the "your mother's so hip-hop..." bit is an excerpt from "what is hip-hop?", a great piece from longtime village voice columnist greg tate. the piece itself can be found on an incredible spoken-word compilation called flippin' the script: rap meets poetry. it's well over ten years old at this point, but totally worth searching for...lots of verbal firepower on that release.

hope my introductory thoughts aren't too grandiose. it's a new year and i'm reassessing certain aspects of the show, particularly who it's reaching and who it's not reaching. i truly believe in this podcast and i want the world to tune in and be turned on by what they hear. to both the new and returning listeners, i thank each and every one of you for taking the time to hang out at camp lo-fi...

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1. cy tru - "hub"
2. aceyalone - "easy (feat. chali 2na)"
3. caribou - "melody day" {buy from amazon}
4. pyeng threadgill - "can we pretend" {buy from amazon}
5. monster maker - "my way" {buy from amazon}
6. ttc - "telephone (ghislain poirier remix)" {buy from dancetracks digital}
7. peter, bjorn and john - "young folks (radio mix)" {buy from itunes}
8. simian mobile disco - "hustler" {buy from itunes}
9. sharon jones and the dap-kings - "100 days, 100 nights"
10. king midas - "bajoran sunrize" {buy from itunes or emusic}

the theme music for this show incorporates the song "hot on both sides" by techniken defunkus. he's also responsible for a bit of background music towards the end; the song's called "bathing."

promo featured: the asian variations release from moshang.

other key info:
macedonia on twitter
check out monster maker's cover of the eddy grant classic, electric avenue
hear more simian mobile disco on BSOTS episode #47
hear more sharon jones on BSOTS episode #45
read impose magazine - volume 30

podsafe music network

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Posted by macedonia at 1:29 PM EST
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